How To Stop Losing Clients With Website Pop Ups
Aug 19, 2024
Congratulations! You’ve got your website up and running. You’re ready to start using it to market your business and build some great client relationships.
Now you just have to add in some pop ups. Those little blocks that pop up on the screen when someone visits your page asking them to enter their email address so they can access your content and you can stay in touch with them.
Or should you?
The thing is that the majority of entrepreneurs don't understand how to use pop ups and if you don't understand them, they can be super annoying to your website visitors. They can even have the opposite effect by driving them away.
“I will leave the website immediately if I have to figure out how to get past the pop up. I don't mind signing up for something if that's what I wanted to do but the pop up does not motivate me.” Kim White
Don’t panic. Pop ups aren’t all bad and you can use them to give your website visitors a good user experience. You just need to ask some questions to figure out if they are right for your business or not.
Question 1: Would You Do That In Person?
It’s really important to think through whether the pop ups on your website are attracting or repelling your ideal clients?
Think about meeting someone for the first time, and they seem nice, and you are interested in getting to know them. But then they get all up in your space, grab your hand, start shaking your hand very hard, and talk 2 inches from your face.
It’s easy to go from "I might have liked you” to “Now I have to stay away from you because you scared me."
That "I feel cornered" feeling is the part you have to be aware of when adding pop-ups to your website.
Whenever you are marketing your business, you have to keep your client at the center. And pop ups can have a huge impact on their user experience of your website, your business, and you as a person.
“We've got this bubble that is our personal zone and when people try to get in that zone too quickly and they do that in the wrong fashion, it’s cringey.” Kerry Zarb
How do you feel when you get onto a website and are immediately blocked from what you are trying to look at because you have to sign up or do something?
A lot of visitors will leave the website immediately if they feel like they’re being cornered.
Put yourself in the shoes of someone visiting your website. Once you understand your clients’ frame of mind you can be very strategic about building a website that invites them in and sparks the right kind of client relationship.
Question 2: Can Website Pop Ups Ever Help Win Clients Over?
The retail store is similar to the pop up experience. If you walk in the door of a boutique store and the salesperson immediately speeds over and offers their help, it's probably going to put you off a bit.
Whereas, if you enter the store and browse around and after a few minutes one store representative walks past and is super friendly, it comes across as welcoming. It helps you feel quite comfortable in that space, and it gives you a contact person to reach out to if you need assistance.
Pop ups can be a very strategic marketing tool if you know that they come in all shapes and sizes, and with a few different settings you can apply.
“The other day I visited a site and I was on it for 3 minutes before it popped up at me so I appreciate the delay. I would have said I am anti-pop up but since that experience I'm starting to see they may have a place.” Kerry Zarb
Using a delay feature can completely change the user experience of your website and it’s a simple way to start building a good client relationship instead of making a potential client irritated.
Question 3: Do Your Pop Ups Give People Options?
A pop up on its own does not motivate people to sign up for something.
What does the motivating? If you are offering your website visitors something for visiting your site, it creates an atmosphere of generosity and that’s a great way to start building client relationships.
Do you have a freebie you can give away? Can you give them a discount code to buy something? Do you have an informative newsletter you can send them that is relevant to the search they did that landed them on your page?
Another way to give people options is to make a clear way for them to get rid of the pop up completely. They might not want to sign up or give you their contact details immediately, and showing that you respect their privacy also speaks volumes.
When you are giving something of value for them AND it's delayed then it can be a very strategic marketing tool.
If you follow the rule of how you would like to be treated, then you can treat your website visitors in the same way. Create a user experience that nurtures website visitors into becoming new clients through the way you consider them, their time, and their privacy.

“We don't believe that business is a one-size-fits-all. It's a choose-your-own-adventure.” Kim White
Your website is your real estate. That’s where you take people to know more about you, and to visit with you. It’s the space to build client relationships before you’ve ever met.
Do you want to come off as the person that nobody wants to talk to because you don't have proper etiquette? Or will you come over gently and invite people into your space with opportunities to serve them?
Pop ups on websites? Yay or Nay? It's a definite maybe. When they're strategically done and you're considering the user experience of someone visiting your website, they can be really helpful. And it might be just what your website visitors need to take the next step to becoming new clients.
Our Groundwork Brigade is the perfect place to get motivated to try new things in your business and be encouraged by other entrepreneurs doing the same thing.
It’s a community of entrepreneurs learning how to build a relational business using irresistible marketing strategies, tailored around your individual needs, in a group setting, with lots of accountability and support.
If you missed the conversation between Kim and Kerry on their podcast Buckets and Boom Gates, you can catch it here.
To connect and find out more about Kim or how to create a sexy business for a sexy life, you can reach her and the My Sexy Business Team at
And to connect with Kerry Zarb go straight to her website and you’ll find her there!