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4 Practical Steps for Planning Your Social Media: Let's Get Started!

May 09, 2022

4 Practical Steps for Planning Your Social Media: Let's Get Started!

Social media can be a great tool for entrepreneurs, but it can also be a huge time suck. If you're not careful, you can find yourself spending hours scrolling through your feed without accomplishing anything. That's why it's important to have a plan when it comes to social media. In this post, we'll share four practical steps that you can use to plan your social media strategy so that you make the most of your time online. Let's get started!

1. Start Brainstorming

Failing to plan is planning to fail, and this is true for creating your social media strategy too.
It's important to brainstorm to come up with content that will work for your business. This means taking all of your notes and thinking about how you want to present them to the world.
Don't be afraid to get creative and brainstorm a bunch of ideas. Just make sure everything is written down so you can start picking through it and finding the best messaging for your business.
Our Secret Sauce idea for you is to use a Message Board. Once your ideas are flowing, the best way to organize your social media strategy is by using a message board.
This will help you to organize your thoughts and come up with ideas for your business. You can put quotes, images, and other information on this board to help you get started.

2. Plan Your Content And Your Messaging

So now we're down to the basics. You'll need to create a content calendar that represents what you can do for your own social media and help you break it all down.
On Sunday, what would you want to put on your calendar? It needs to be rotated - you need to have a video, a meme, a quote, etc. every day of the week. If you publish a podcast every Friday, consider doing a clip on Thursday that connects with your business. This will empower you to create content more easily, without having to sit and think too hard about it.
There is a lot to think about when creating a social media strategy. Besides creating content that is interesting and relevant to your audience, you need to make sure that your messaging is consistent across all platforms.
It can be helpful to think about your week and plan out what you want to post each day. This will help you stay on track and make sure that you're not forgetting anything important.

3. Choose Your Rhythm And Schedule

Creating a social media strategy that works for your business can be difficult. You need to find a rhythm that works with the algorithms of the social media platforms, and consider what type of content you want to post on different days of the week.
For example, on Messy Mondays, we post something behind the scenes that isn't necessarily polished or perfect. On Sundays, we do selfie Sunday, where we encourage our followers to take selfies and celebrate who they are.
When it comes to creating a social media strategy, it's important to think about your global audience. What you do in the US may not be the same as what someone in another part of the world sees at a different time.
You also need to think about what content you want to share on which days of the week. If you have something coming up, like a big workshop or class, put it on your calendar and work backwards from there so you can build anticipation.

4. Try The "Power of 13"

Something we do is use the power of batching. We will do all of our posts for Mondays, if they're not live and it is something we can do ahead of time, we do all of them for 13 weeks. That's the way that we get ahead for a quarter. We find that very helpful to get ahead.
Well, there you have it! Four simple tips to help you plan your social media content. By brainstorming topics and messaging ahead of time, choosing a rhythm and schedule, and using the "power of 13," you can create a social media calendar that will help you achieve your marketing goals. And if all of this sounds daunting or like too much work (it's not, we promise), ask us how we plan our social media for 3 months in 2 days.