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Design a Sexy Business
for a Sexy Life

Hi, I’m Kim White, founder and fierce leader of the My Sexy Business Team. Whether you are wanting to start “something”, but you aren’t sure what, or you already have a great business and you’re just looking for ways to make it better and life sexier…we are here for you!

Doing business TOGETHER is sexy!

My Sexy Business Magazine Issue #3 is here!

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Do you own your business or does it own you?

Learn the difference…

What is a Sexy Business?


The My Sexy Business Team has led mastermind groups all over the world. If you want a big sustainable change in your business, and in your life, then our mastermind group may be the thing you have been looking for. The 2022 mastermind is led by the Collaboration Princess, herself, Kim White.

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 F.I.R.E. Up Mastermind Groundwork Brigade

My Sexy Business' First Non-Curated Mastermind 

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Real-life examples of ordinary people who have done extraordinary things

Our readers are Authors, Speakers, Podcasters, Entrepreneurs, and those that want to be


Hope to Hope Conference
Fierce Entrepreneurs Summit

See Our Calendar


Each episode has a sexy principle to help increase your impact and profit

The latest from the blog 

How To Spot The Sleazy Factor In Your Sales

Jul 22, 2024

How To Sell Without Being Sleazy

Jul 08, 2024

How To Part Ways Professionally In Business

Jun 24, 2024


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