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Publishing Myth Busters

creative control maintain royalties marketing signings self promotion self-publishing start a publishing business street teams Dec 12, 2022

Publishing Myth Busters

The rumors are true!

There are simple ways to use creative tools to get your edited book over the finish line and published to purchase. In this room, Kim busts some common publishing myths and shares a few secrets to the recipe of self-publishing. Catch the full replay here.

Behind the scenes questions.

We understand that the big screen can make things look so easy but what we don't see is the behind the scenes of the screen. What size should your book be? How do you want the pages laid out? Is there a style of images you want to use? Which page should chapters and sections land on? What are the format sizes for each book size? The questions really are endless, but Kim's got the recipe to share when it comes to publishing and the details behind each ingredient.
Once you know the recipe those questions are turned into endless options. Self-publish your own books to grow your business. Or even start your entrepreneurial journey by starting your own publishing line. Do you have your first ingredient (a written and edited book) and are ready to start mixing?
We love to batch things here at My Sexy Business so let's bake some more myth busting bonuses of learning the skills behind publishing.

Misleading movie myths.

This big screen is one of the biggest myths filled with misconceptions. The portrait includes a big publishing company swooping in magically to pickup your great content. But the reality is, a publisher is in business and if the base of money making isn’t already reflected in your community, followers, consumed content, etc.… the odds of that swooping magic is less likely in coming true. Fortunately, Kim’s recipe is full of the strategy for self-publishing.

Self-published AND Best-Seller is possible.

Another common myth we hear is you can’t become a best seller if you self-publish. Busted! Not only can you have a best seller, but you can publish for online and in-person distributors. This myth buster is more than hitting the best seller list, it's part of the whole creative control bonuses.

Creative control: Marketing and Money.

Creative control includes all those behind-the-scenes questions mixed with marketing. The marketing after processes (like book signings and street teams for promotion) are also important pieces of the self-publishing process. While we’re talking about creative control bonuses, we can’t not mention royalties. Outside publishing options can look mythical in a few ways. Paying a lump sum at the beginning without knowing the ROI. Splitting the earnings of success. Or even turning over the creative control in exchange for less bucks in your pocket. Self-publishing shifts those outside investments to your own control and rewards.
Now that some of the myths are busted, we want to remind you that you CAN do this publishing thing!
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