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My Business Is Sexy, Messy and Beautiful 

Dec 14, 2020

My Business Is Sexy, Messy and Beautiful 

“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.” 
Read that again. That might sound strange to you but let me explain. You have DONE it and that is what’s important. You have tried and it didn’t work out the way that you thought it would, and you know what, that’s okay because you have DONE it. If you are going to be too afraid to do anything you are going to end up doing nothing and getting nowhere.  
It’s okay not to be perfect but to embrace the messy instead because when everything isn’t perfect in the process you have gained momentum and learned some valuable lessons that you can improve on next time. Kill that pride and stop worrying about what others think of you. Choose the messy and be proud of that choice.  
I’ve done so many things poorly and far from perfect in my life. 
Read that again. The keyword there is DONE. I’ve DONE them. It’s not that I wanted them to be messy or planned on them being messy but they ended up being messy because I took the chance and then  turned them into something beautiful because messy is beautiful. 
The Collab 101 class that we teach has changed lives, it has changed business and we have seen major collaborations come from the class but not without the mess. It has been messy but oh so beautiful. 
Messy is beautiful and it can be the best thing that happens in your business because messy means movement. 
You will learn more by actually doing something rather than just thinking, talking or pondering about it.  Be willing for it to be messy. You shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed of being messy. 
Here’s a great example for you. You are listening to this podcast. There is a train that goes by every few minutes. I could choose to not do this podcast because you are going to hear the train in the background or I can go ahead and do the podcast, help you learn that messy is beautiful and both of us win. I am okay with the train. Are you? If you aren't okay with the train, I can tell you that you are hard on yourself and you need to stop. 
You can’t have a sexy life and you can’t have a sexy business without MOVEMENT so get busy MOVING. 
Being messy demonstrates that you are RELATABLE. If everything I did was perfect, would you be able to relate to me? I can’t relate to perfection. I can however relate to those who do things messy, and to those who learn and evolve. 
Demonstrating the messy is a beautiful process that causes people to realize that they don’t have to be perfect. 
If I can make the money, demonstrate having great peace, and have an incredible circle of people around me all while immersed in the messy, wouldn't that be attractive to you?
You are not a failure if you fail. You just found a way not to do something and now you have an opportunity to do it differently and better. 
Our classes that are messy still cause exceptional growth in people's lives. It does not mean that we aren’t going to do better next time or try to improve them, it just means that this is how we did it this time and that is okay. 
Be kind to yourself. Permit yourself to be messy. Give yourself permission to be human. Give yourself permission to not always be perfect. 
I'm much more relatable because I have done things messy. Someone is always going to come along and tell you that you can’t do it, but if you have already done it, even if it’s messy, it’s too late, no one can talk you out of it. 
I challenge you to try something messy. Do something that you have been holding back on because you were afraid. Don’t let fear hold you back. Don’t let anything hold you back. 
Give yourself permission to do something messily and you can find out for yourself that messy is beautiful. 
The next topic is “Trust the process.” Don’t miss these podcasts as they are the foundational principles to a sexy life. 
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