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Do you have a story to share? 

We are always looking for amazing people to share their stories to inspire us and others too!

Download your workbook

Download my complimentary Story Kit Workbook to learn a sexy method of creating and sharing your story.

Complete your workbook

Our Story Kit is free and yet we feel it is priceless because it helps you clearly tell us about your message by answering simple thought provoking questions.

Submit your answers

Once you complete the workbook you can submit it to us for consideration. 

What is a Story Kit?

Our Story Kit was born from needing a way to organize all the stories we are gathering from amazing humans we come across. We are always looking for great stories that inspire, motivate, and spread hope of overcoming and possibilities. Our Kit includes a short workbook to answer the questions we ask of the people we interview. It also includes a few instructions on how to submit your story to us to make sure we can get you in our queue.

Why do you want one?

Submitting the Story Kit questions is the quickest way to get an interview with us. Your answers don't need to be perfect, but they need to give us an idea of how to serve your story to the world best.


How does the process work?

The process is simple, fill out your quick workbook to the best of your ability, then submit your answers and story at the submission link in your "Thank You for Requesting a Story Kit" email you receive. Our team then will get it in our story bank and send you information about being interviewed. Scheduling an interview can take 2-4 weeks so be patient with us. We get a LOT of stories and honor each one of you who share.