Episode #41
- Kim and Kerry talked about EASY-ER in Entrepreneur Land
- We didn't get to Princess Speak today, watch the replay to see all the funny shifts
- Here's what our Roving Reporters covered in this week's show:
- Jill Olish talked about the advantage of having a Community
- From the Virtual Cafe, Kerry Zarb, aka The Money Barista shared the importance of having a Finance Meeting with yourself
- Melissa Bottorff-Arey discussed Holidays and Legacy
- The Freakin' Fabulous Cat Corchado expanded on her Balance Exercises
- Yvonne Marchese exemplified the power of Morning Routines
- Melissa Stecher showed what it means to be a Micro Organizer
- Linda Bonney shared the connections between Emotions and Storytelling
- Denise Millet asked Are You Leading Them To You?
- For Donna Bender's Surprise & Delight Marketing, Mrs. Claus stepped in to Unwrap the Secret to Giving
- Adam RothenbergĀ told a Behind The Curtain story about my 2015 interview with actors Daphne Rubin-Vega, Cady Huffman, and Kenyon Phillips