4 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Have The Most Freedom
Dec 02, 2024
What’s the best part about being an entrepreneur? Getting to make an impact while making an income.
And what’s the second best part? Having a business that you own, and that doesn’t own you.
It’s having the freedom to make an impact and make an income in your unique way while living a life you love.
But along the entrepreneurial adventure, things can take a turn when you’re going a million miles a second.
You might look around and realize you are not living a life you love. Somewhere along the journey, your business has started to own you, and you’re missing out on the freedom you set out to have.
Here are 4 questions to ask yourself (and keep asking yourself) so that you can experience the level of freedom you want in your business and life.
Question 1 - Have You Forgotten Your Treasure?
Freedom looks different to everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all in business.
Your treasure is the specific freedom you want in your life and business. It’s what makes you willing to go through the maze of this entrepreneurial adventure.
“I had a child and I wanted to be able to be a part of everything.” Jill Olish
It might be financial freedom, time freedom, physical freedom, freedom to work from home, or freedom to adjust your working hours based on your fluctuating budget needs.
“My treasure is having the freedom of choice of who I surround myself with.” Kim White
You have to be careful because it’s easy to be influenced to prioritize something that is a priority to someone else, not you.
When you forget your treasure, you stop prioritizing it. You stop sacrificing other things for it.
And your business might look successful on the outside because you’ll have success in other areas, but the kind of freedom you want will start to slip away. And that is not the kind of business you love.
So make sure you are always checking in with your treasure. Knowing exactly what kind of freedom you want in your life will help you always have a business that you own, and that doesn’t own you.
Question 2 - Are You Too Quick To Say You Can't Do Something?
“A boomshakalaka that a lot of people are missing in their lives is they think they can't.” Kim White
It’s too easy to say that you can’t do something. But entrepreneurship is an adventure. Look around at what can be done. Some things are not flexible, and some things are.
What can you shift to another time frame?
What can shift in what you're doing as an entrepreneur?
Is there something that goes along with what you're doing that can bring in more income?
Can you shift something family-wise?
“That is the picture of the cost of freedom: making our brain work in a different way, making different choices.” Kim White
When you want a certain type of freedom, you might need to get creative. Don't assume you can't do something just because it isn't the usual route.
Be open to doing things in new ways that you haven’t tried before so that you can enjoy the freedom you set out to have in your life.
Question 3 - Are You Avoiding The Tough Choices?
If your business has started to encroach on the specific freedom you wanted in your life, then it’s definitely time to make some tough choices.
Making tough choices is hard but not making them can be disastrous. It can make you stuck. And being stuck can be paralyzing.
“It wasn't easy to take the summer off from work. It was hard being OK with giving stuff off to other people even though they could do it all. Stepping back and really taking time off was a hard practice.” Jill Olish
Going with the flow is not the way to keep your treasure front and center in your life and business.
You have to be prepared to make some tough choices, and figure out how to navigate them so that you can enjoy the freedom you want in your life.
Question 4 - Are You Getting Caught Up In The “WHAT IF’s”?
When it’s time to make those big decisions, there’s a fear that jumps in … the dreaded “What Ifs”
What if I fail?
What if it all backfires?
What if I let people down?
What if I miss out on (fill in the blank)?
What if I won’t have (fill in the blank) anymore?
“Here’s a challenge to flip that frame of mind and ask yourself ‘If we do this what could happen?’” Jill Olish
Rather ask yourself questions like this:
If I don’t do this, what will happen?
If I do do this, what doors could open for me?
How can I use this opportunity in a different way?
When it comes to all the choices you have to make along the entrepreneurial journey, it might feel like a maze while you're in it.
But if you stay positive, make the tough choices, and choose the right doors, then other doors start to open too. Doors that open up to the kind of freedom you set out to have.
There is no formula for running a successful business.
“You get to choose things that you want to do, but you have to take responsibility!” Jill Olish
Are you ready to focus on building a business you love? Are you ready to enjoy your life with the kind of freedom that’s important to you?
Our Groundwork Brigade is a community of heart centered entrepreneurs finding freedom on their entrepreneurial adventures.
It’s a safe space to learn how to build a relational business using irresistible marketing strategies, tailored to your individual needs, in a group setting, with lots of accountability and support.
If you missed the conversation between Kim and Jill on their podcast Buckets and Boom Gates, you can catch it here.
To connect and find out more about Kim or how to create a sexy business for a sexy life, you can reach her and the My Sexy Business Team at www.mysexybusiness.com.
And to connect with Jill Olish go straight to her website www.mamaoutspoken.com and you’ll find her there!