Puppies in Business?

Pets make a 9 to 5 fly by, while still allowing tons of productive, enjoyable, and relaxing work to be done.

In this episode, Kim celebrates the fur babies in her sexy life and how they make her business so much sexier. And she talks about how to figure out if you should include your pets in your sexy business as an entrepreneur.

Follow Kim White and the My Sexy Business Team on Instagram if you’d like to see more of Kim’s beautiful fur babies, and to see a Sexy Pet-Loving Business in action. We also share the real day in and day out of sexy business life. We’d love for you to be part of our community, so you can start building your sexy business for a sexy life.

Season 2, Episode 33

00:25 Should you include your pet in your business life?
00:36 The benefits of having your pet at work with you
01:24 Why do pet-lovers become entrepreneurs?
01:36 The Pet-Effect on your clients
02:19 The question to ask if you want to include your pet in business